How to Use Your Sizing Kit

The first step to ordering your set of press ons is to have your nail sizes ready to go!

It is very important to have accurate sizes or else it could mean the wear time of your set is compromised. Too small or big and they can pop off easily!

Since each style is shaped slightly differently, it can lead to one size working in one style and not another. I strongly recommend grabbing a sizing kit for each style and length you would like to wear.

Steps once you receive your Sizing Kit:

  • Try each press on tip against all of your nail beds to find the perfect fit for each finger. Gently press the tip so that it flattens against your natural nail. Note: You should check both hands because some people have nails that are different sizes on different hands, for example the middle finger on the left hand being size 6 and on the right hand the size is 5.5.

  • The correct size will fit your nail sidewall to sidewall, where the nail meets the skin. There will be no overlap onto the skin and there should be none of your natural nail not being covered by the tip.
  • If you're stuck between 2 sizes, it is best to choose the larger of the 2 sizes. You may file the sides of the larger size to make it fit your nailbed.

  • Once you have your sizes, write them down on the spaces on your Sizing Kit card. The numbers are molded on the underside of the nail.
  • Now you're ready to order some Twin Fae Nails!!